Episcopal Health Foundation has invested in Santa Maria Hostel’s Caring for Two program as part of our Texas effort to improve early childhood brain development — a key component of early relational health.
Caring for Two is a community-based outreach and intervention program designed to improve maternal and infant outcomes. It’s an evidence-based model that uses a two-generational approach to build well-being and resiliency in families affected by substance use. The program’s core elements include early relational health training and support for a mother’s physical and emotional health. Caring for Two also addresses a family’s non-medical drivers of health like assistance with rent, utilities, baby supplies, and much more. Families can’t thrive if their basic needs aren’t met.
Along with making dramatic impact on the overall health of mothers, infants, and families, Santa Maria Hostel’s program is also helping other organizations and communities build important skills to do this work.
In addition to adding Caring for Two programs at both of Houston’s public hospitals, Santa Maria has created partnerships with numerous other health care and social service providers in and around Harris County. Santa Maria leaders are now expanding the Caring for Two model into Travis County.
Caring for Two has positioned Santa Maria as a leader in the field with recognition from state and federal agencies. Santa Maria staff are frequently referenced for policy and implementation recommendations related to improving maternal and child health outcomes.
More about Santa Maria Hostel: Santa Maria has been serving the women and children of Houston and surrounding areas since the mid 1950s. By offering vital services and life changing support, the organization offers a pathway to success through recovery. Santa Maria provides critical and life changing services for low-income, indigent women age 18 and above and their children from Harris and the surrounding 12 counties.