
EHF’s guide to federal funding opportunities

See EHF's new guide to grants and other federal government funding opportunities available for clinics and organizations.

From teen pregnancy programs to rural transportation projects, the federal government offers specific grants to clinics and other organizations focused on health. Now, EHF’s Research team is going through hundreds of federal funding opportunities available each month and narrowing down the massive list. Each month, we’ll be sharing information on grants that may be relevant to clinics and organizations working in community health across Texas.

“We think this can serve as a great ongoing guide to specific grants available that most organizations didn’t know existed,” said Shao-Chee Sim, EHF’s VP for applied research.

The grants vary in amount and project size, but the list offers a window into what’s currently being funded by many different federal government agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and more.

For example, one grant from the Department of Transportation is looking to find and test public transportation solutions that increase access to care. Another grant opportunity is searching for participants in a pilot program looking at the effectiveness of assisted outpatient treatment programs for those with serious mental illness.

“Just looking at the available grants can give you ideas of how to think about and approach specific issues in your community,” said Sim. “They can help you measure the capacity of your organization and provide details on successful programs for you to consider now or in the future.”

Click on the specific grants below to get more information about the grant amount, requirements and much more.

CDC-RFA-IP14-140703CONTPPHF16 PPHF 2016:  Immunization Grants – Increasing IIS Sentinel Site Capacity for Enhanced Program Support – Financed in part by 2016 Prevention and Public Health Funds Centers for Disease Control – NCIRD 3/25/16 5/30/16  
CDC-RFA-IP14-140903CONTPPHF16 PPHF 2016:  Immunization Grants – Enhanced Standards Support for the Immunization Information Systems (IIS) Community-Financed solely by 2016 Prevention and Public Health Funds Centers for Disease Control – NCIRD 3/7/16 5/30/16  
CDC-RFA-IP14-140503PPHF16 PPHF16: Immunization – Improving Immunization Rates and Enhancing Disease Prevention through Partnerships with Providers and National Organizations that focus on Public Health – Financed Solely by 2016 Prevention and Public Health Funds Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2/9/16 5/30/16  
HHS-2016-ACF-ACYF-EV-1159 Family Violence Prevention and Services/ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Questioning Institute on Intimate Partner Violence Administration for Children and Families 3/30/16 5/31/16  
BJA-2016-8988 Joint Adult Drug Court Solicitation to Enhance Services, Coordination, and Treatment Bureau of Justice Assistance 3/31/16 5/31/16  
FTA-2015-012-TPM-RTW Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility Grants Program – 2016 NOFO DOT/Federal Transit Administration 3/29/16 5/31/16  
HRSA-16-182 Dental Faculty Development and Loan Repayment Program Health Resources and Services Administration 3/30/16 5/31/16  
USDA-NIFA-ICGP-005778 Integrated Research, Education, and Extension Competitive Grants Program – Methyl Bromide Transition National Institute of Food and Agriculture 4/4/16 5/31/16  
OJJDP-2016-9171 OJJDP FY 2016 Family Drug Court Implementation and Enhancement Program Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention  3/28/16 5/31/16  
SP-16-005 Grants to Prevent Prescription Drug/Opioid Overdose-Related Deaths Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Admin 3/29/16 5/31/16  
SP-16-006 Strategic Prevention Framework for Prescription Drugs (SPF Rx) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Admin 3/29/16 5/31/16  
USDA-NIFA-RHSE-005756 Rural Health & Safety Education National Institute of Food and Agriculture 3/23/16 6/1/16  
CDC-RFA-CE16-1605 Preventing Teen Dating and Youth Violence by Addressing Shared Risk and Protective Factors Centers for Disease Control – NCIPC 3/29/16 6/6/16  
SM-16-012 Resiliency in Communities After Stress and Trauma (Short Title:  ReCAST Program) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Admin 4/8/16 6/7/16  
SM-16-011 Assisted Outpatient Treatment Grant Program for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness, (Short Title:  Assisted Outpatient Treatment [AOT]) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Admin 4/18/16 6/16/16  
HRSA-17-009 New Access Points – Eligible applicants are health centers that provide health services to medically underserved populations, as defined in section 330 of the PHS Act.  As such, the applicant must propose a new access point project (across all proposed sites) that: Provides comprehensive primary medical care as its main purpose  Health Resources and Services Administration 4/18/16 6/17/16  
RDRUS-CC-2016 Community Connect Grant Program – The Community-Oriented Connectivity Broadband Grant Program (Community Connect Grant Program) is designed to provide financial assistance to provide service at the Broadband Grant Speed in rural, economically-challenged communities where broadband service does not currently exist.  Utilities Programs 4/19/16 6/17/16  
HHS-2016-ACL-AOA-EJIG-0168 Elder Justice Innovation Grants – The purpose of the Elder Justice Innovation Grants program is to support the development and advancement of new and emerging issues related to elder justice. Funded projects will contribute to the improvement of the field of elder abuse prevention and intervention at large, such as by developing materials, programs, etc that can be widely disseminated and/or replicated, or by establishing and/or contributing to the evidence-base of knowledge Administration for Community Living 4/19/16 6/20/16  
TI-16-012 Statewide Peer Networks for Recovery and Resiliency (Short Title:  Statewide Peer Networks for R&R) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Admin 4/20/16 6/21/16