EHF’s Grantee SPOTLIGHT: Strengthening skills to promote healthy early relationships and brain development for children at The Georgetown Project
New video shows how EHF’s investments are being used at TGP’s community-based Parent Center program.
New video shows how EHF’s investments are being used at TGP’s community-based Parent Center program.
Grants will help community-based organizations and clinics develop and deliver innovative strategies to build healthy brains during a child’s first three years.
New grants to community-based organizations and clinics focus on innovative ways to build healthy brains during a child’s first three years.
EHF’s new guidance outlines EHF’s grant application process in 2022, including submission deadlines and new funding opportunities.
Medical care can help treat the symptoms, but medical care alone wasn’t the key to improving the nail workers’ health. Instead, the solution required addressing the root causes of their problems. That’s why we embarked on an effort to use our experience and influence to improve the working conditions that were having a direct impact on the health of these women.
EHF program officer Katy Butterwick looks at the dramatic impact of improving nonprofit staff by funding operations, not just programs.
Jo Carcedo, EHF’s VP for Grants, has important tips and advice for nonprofits considering applying for federal grant money.
See how the Foundation’s partnership with Seminary of the Southwest and Burke is already working to help fill the need for quality mental health services in East Texas.
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