Elena Marks, EHF’s president and CEO, discusses the importance of Medicaid Expansion for Texas, what it means for our communities, and strategies for addressing the issue during the current 2021 Texas legislative session. EHF Staff Robiel Abraha, Tanya James, and Lisa Madry, also highlight resources and information on collaborative partnerships and actions that nonprofits can take on behalf of the communities we serve.
The Health and Justice Advocacy Network, supported by the EHF Congregational Engagement Team, continues to work on the issue of Medicaid Expansion.
Health and Justice Advocacy Network Planning Team
The Rev. Minerva Camarena Skeith, St. Michael’s Austin
Jamie Watson, St. James’, Houston
Corlie Jackson, Grace, Galveston
Rose Farrar, St. Stephen’s, Houston
If your congregation is interested in updates regarding the legislative efforts for Medicaid Expansion in Texas or joining the Health and Justice Advocacy Network, please contact Willie Bennett, Congregational Engagement Officer.