We’ve been consistently receiving grant applications since we launched our online application system back in January. We are thrilled to be receiving so many thoughtful and thorough grant applications. We continue to update both our Frequently Asked Questions and our Glossary of Terms.
Before you apply, we strongly encourage you to speak with a program officer by calling 713-225-0900. It’s an important part of the process for both the potential grant applicant and EHF.
Remember, we don’t have application deadlines. Decisions regarding grant-making are approved by the EHF Board of Directors. The Board may consider grants at any of the following scheduled meetings in 2015 (subject to change):
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Applications should be submitted at least 60 to 90 days prior to a given Board meeting to increase the probability that a request will be considered at that meeting. However, submitting an application in that timeframe will not guarantee review at the next Board meeting. An applicant’s assigned program officer will be able to give updates on the status of requests throughout the process.
Reminder — our Apply for a Grant page is your one-stop guide to everything you need to start the process. It includes links to EHF’s Strategic Plan and explanations of our vision, goals and strategies. We’ve also included Frequently Asked Questions, a Glossary of Terms, and you can review all of the grant application questions before you apply. If you missed one of our Grant Workshops, we posted videos and presentation slides for you to review.
As always, keep up with all of our grant-making updates by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, finding us on LinkedIn, and reading our V1SION Blog. You can also contact a program officer by sending an email to grants@episcopalhealth.org or using our Contact Us page.
Related news — see What Makes a Good Grant Proposal?
V1SION Blog post by Jo Carcedo, VP for grant-making