Houston: reVision is a unique, collaborative partnership between St. Martin’s Episcopal Church and St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in Houston. It’s the only organization of its kind in the Houston area, which provides at-risk and gang-affected youth with long-term services to improve their lives and ensure more promising futures. The two churches work hand-in-hand with the Harris County Juvenile Probation Department to help inspire youth to strive for more.
Established in 2012, the two churches came together with the hopes of building a strong community where troubled and marginalized youth could feel a sense of belonging and build positive relationships. The reVision program enters into the lives of Harris County youth ages 12-17 and provides opportunities for youth to change their lives through positive relationships and life skills development.
Charles Rotramel, reVision’s CEO, has been an advocate for at-risk youth for over 25 years. He believes these youth have two major needs: a caring adult and a positive peer community. The reVision program provides these things and more as it encourages change in Houston youth and area communities through mentoring, outreach, and education.
For the past 18 years, youth from across the Houston area have come together each Thursday to share in positivity and hip-hop music and dancing. Now hosted at a St. Martin’s building known as The Island, youth of all ages come to bond with peers over graffiti art, bands, skateboarding, and other various activities. The main event on Thursdays happens to be their Break Dance Battle (Click to watch on You Tube)
There are a number of ways to learn more or become involved with reVision:
Interested in volunteering? Contact Carrie Leader, Volunteer Coordinator for reVision – carrie.leader@houstonrevision.org.
Want to learn more about reVision and how your congregation can become involved in its mission? Contact Eric Moen, Director of Urban Ministry and Mission at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church – emoen@stmartinsepiscopal.org.
For a good overview of reVision and its mission, attend an orientation, held monthly on the first Thursday of the month.
The next orientation will be Thursday, December 3 from 6pm to 7pm at:
The Island at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
Room 203
5025 Riverway Dr.
Houston, TX 77056