Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

EHF makes grants to nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations whose work relates directly to EHF’s vision, goals and strategies. To be eligible, an organization must have received an Internal Revenue Service Determination Letter indicating that it is an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) or 170(c) and is not a private foundation within the meaning of Section 509(a) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service Code.

All grants funded by EHF must be implemented within the 80-county service area of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.

What EHF does not fund:

  • Grants to individuals
  • Grants for school-based intervention except for school-based clinics providing comprehensive primary care
  • Grants for capital projects except by invitation from EHF
  • Grants for scholarships
  • Grants for religious purposes
  • Grants to public agencies for routine service provision
  • Grants to retire operating deficits or debt
  • Grants for parks, playgrounds, or camps
  • Grants to provide services restricted to individuals living in a specific residential facility
  • Grants for acute care, inpatient care or long-term care institutions
  • Grants for emergency assistance organizations for routine service provision
  • Grants for biomedical research
  • Grants for child care, early education or after-school programs for routine service provision
  • Grants to schools for core educational purposes
  • Grants for disease- or condition-specific organizations outside of our strategic priorities for program, research or advocacy work
  • Grants to underwrite conferences, luncheons, galas or fundraisers, or special events such as health fairs
  • Direct or indirect support for candidates, political parties, 501(c)(4) organizations or Political Action Committees

Does my organization have to be affiliated with the Episcopal Church in-order-to apply?
No. While the Episcopal Health Foundation exists as a supporting organization of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, we do not require an applicant’s affiliation with the Episcopal Church or any other faith community in order to be considered for funding.

Do you restrict your giving to a geographic area?
Yes. We only make grants to organizations that serve communities within the boundaries of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. Click here to see a map of our service area.

do I apply for funding from EHF?

All NEW grants for 2024 will be by invitation only. EHF plans a open call for grant applications in June 2025. See our latest update.

What legal status must my organization have in-order-to apply?
EHF makes grants to nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations. To be eligible, an organization must have received an Internal Revenue Service Determination Letter indicating that it is an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) or 170(c) and is not a private foundation within the meaning of Section 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. 

Can a church apply to EHF for funding?

Churches may apply to EHF for funding if they meet the guidelines and criteria for all other applicants. EHF’s Congregational Engagement division does offer financial support for Episcopal churches and institutions within the Episcopal Diocese of Texas to help develop or expand their involvement in the community.  However, please note that EHF does not make grants in support of religious purposes.


Who do I contact if I have questions about my current grant or the grant application process? 
Email us at

What do I do if I forget the password to my current grant portal account?
EHF’s grant portal login page provides an option to reset a password. If you are a returning grantee and have forgotten or want to change your password, enter the email address used to set-up your existing account. The system will verify the address and will e-mail you instructions to create a new password. 

Who do I contact for technical support?

If you need help while you are a grant application, look for the ‘Contact’ tab and click there. Otherwise, email us at

What do I do if I want to change the email or password on my existing application account?

You can change your password at any time by clicking on the “Forgot Password” link on the EHF’s grant portal login page.

Is there a User’s Guide available for EHF’s current Online Application Process?
Yes, click here to view the grant portal login instructions for new applicants and for returning grantees.


Does EHF make grants to support research?
Generally, we do not make grants for research. We conduct research of our own and, on occasion, contract with others for research when the research product is something we seek for our own needs. In those cases, we usually issue a request for proposals.

Comprehensive women’s health services
The Foundation highly values the provision of comprehensive preventive services for women of all ages. According to the Institute of Medicine, women in particular stand to benefit from additional preventive health services including medications, procedures, devices, tests, education and counseling shown to improve well-being, and/or decrease the likelihood or delay the onset of a targeted disease or condition. This includes among other things, a full range of contraceptive education, counseling, methods and services so that women can better avoid unwanted pregnancies and space their pregnancies to promote optimal birth outcomes. The public health benefits of contraception are well-documented in the literature and the CDC identifies family planning as one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th century.

Childhood immunizations
In May 1992, responding to a recent resurgence of measles, the U.S. Public Health Service and a diverse group of medical and public health experts established the Standards for Pediatric Immunization Practices.

These Standards, which were approved by the U.S. Public Health Service and endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, represent the most desirable practices for all healthcare providers and immunization programs. These standards support that immunizations should be given as part of comprehensive child healthcare. Consistent with these standards, the Foundation expects primary care clinics serving children to incorporate these standards as part of their comprehensive primary care and pediatric services.

Patient fees
The Foundation believes that all clinics, including those serving low-income, uninsured and vulnerable populations, should look to a variety of revenue streams to support their work. Patient fees, priced on a sliding scale and waived when appropriate, are an important part of the revenue mix for several reasons. First, they provide a source of revenue, even if modest, that can make a difference in a tight budget. Healthcare delivery has substantial costs, and patients know or should know that and should contribute when they can. Additionally, patients value what they pay for and feel more dignity when they contribute to the cost of their care than when they receive care in the form of charity. High-quality care is less likely to be achievable and sustainable if it relies entirely on philanthropy (in the form of dollars and/or staff).

EHF’s Board of Directors has the responsibility for the final approval or declination of each grant. Since EHF receives funding requests that far exceed our grants budget each year, we cannot fund every worthy project. A decision not to fund a proposal does not reflect on the merits of the proposal or the applicant organization.

Does my organization have to be affiliated with the Episcopal Church in-order-to apply?
No. While the Episcopal Health Foundation exists as a supporting organization of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, we do not require an applicant’s affiliation with the Episcopal Church or any other faith community in order to be considered for funding.

What do you mean by “transformation”?
Transformational change emphasizes systemic and organizational change that is sustained over time and cannot be ‘undone’. Transformation is not an ‘event’, but a dynamic process. It is distinct from innovation and creativity because it is designed to bring about complete change.

Do you restrict your giving to a geographic area?
Yes. We only make grants to organizations that serve communities within the boundaries of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. Click here to see a map of those 57 counties.

Does EHF still fund behavioral health?
Yes. In 2023, we will review behavioral health Letters of Inquiry (LOIs) in Cycle 1 relating to Goal 1- Strengthen Systems of Health of EHF’s 2018-2023 Strategic Plan. (See submission deadlines below.)

EHF’s priorities in behavioral health are outlined in the Goal 1 section of our 2023 Grant Guidance, under Goal 1, Outcome 2 – Low-income and vulnerable populations access comprehensive care in their communities, Strategy 3 – Support Comprehensive Clinics

How do I apply for funding from EHF?
The application process begins with submission of a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) through EHF’s online grant portal.

After reviewing an LOI, EHF may invite an applicant to the full grant application process. Grants addressing EHF’s priority goals, outcomes, and strategies for 2023 will be considered at designated Board meetings.

How long will it take to review my application?
We estimate a five-month period from an Letter of Inquiry (LOI) deadline to a decision regarding an application; but this period may vary.

What is the size of a typical grant from EHF?
During 2018, EHF awarded approximately $25 million in competitive grants. In 2018, our smallest competitive award was $10,438 and our largest was $2,657,462. The median award was $209,756. During 2019, the Foundation expects to award approximately $31 million in competitive grants.

What legal status must my organization have in-order-to apply?
EHF makes grants to nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations. To be eligible, an organization must have received an Internal Revenue Service Determination Letter indicating that it is an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) or 170(c) and is not a private foundation within the meaning of Section 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. 

Can a church apply to EHF for funding?
Churches may apply to EHF for funding if they meet the guidelines and criteria for all other applicants. EHF’s Congregational Engagement division does offer financial support for Episcopal churches and institutions within the Episcopal Diocese of Texas to help develop or expand their involvement in the community.  However, please note that EHF does not make grants in support of religious purposes.

What do you look for in a successful Letter of Inquiry (LOI) or grant application?
We encourage you to review our 2023 Grant Guidance as well as the other resources on our website to determine if it is appropriate for you to submit an LOI. Our application process is highly competitive. We aim to focus our resources on those organizations that align with our goals and strategies and that can demonstrate a solid base of leadership, planning, and infrastructure.

Where can I find more information about the terms used in the 2023 Grant Guidance and EHF strategic plan?
We have posted a glossary of terms.

Who do I contact if I have questions about the content or scope of my LOI or proposal?
Email us at

What do I do if I forget the password to my LOI/Application account?
EHF’s grant portal login page provides an option to reset a password. If you are a returning applicant/grantee and have forgotten or want to change your password, enter the email address used to set-up your existing account. The system will verify the address and will e-mail you instructions to create a new password. 

Who do I contact for technical support with the LOI or application?
If you need help while you are in the application itself, look for the ‘Contact’ tab and click there. Otherwise, email us at

What do I do if I want to change the email or password on my existing application account?
You can change your password at any time by clicking on the “Forgot Password” link on the EHF’s grant portal login page.

Do I have to complete the entire application in one sitting? No. Our online grants management system will allow you to save and return to your application in progress. You can always check the status of any open or completed applications using the tab on the left.

Will the system time me out due to inactivity? 
Yes, the system will time you out of your session after 300 minutes (5 hrs) of inactivity. A warning should occur 5 minutes before log out (after 295 minutes of inactivity).

Unsaved work will be lost if this occurs, so save your work frequently. 

Is there a User’s Guide available for EHF’s Online Application Process?  Yes, click here to view the grant portal login instructions for new applicants and for returning grantees.

Are all fields on the LOI and application required?
Yes. All required fields and questions are bolded. However, if the question does not apply to your organization or request, please indicate such in the response field.

Can I copy and paste information into the online LOI and application?

Are there word limits on my responses to LOI and application questions?
Yes. Character limits are enforced on all questions. The LOI form will not allow you to enter more than the stated character limit. The application form will count characters for you as you enter text (note the tally at the bottom of the text field), but it will not stop you from entering more than the character limit. When you reach the final submission stage the system will not accept your application until you reduce the size of any answers that exceed a required limit.

Can I upload additional supplemental materials apart from the attachments required as part of the grant application?
No. We appreciate that you may have additional materials that you wish to share with us, but we are only able to accept required application attachments.

How long will it take you to review my LOI and application?
We will make every attempt to respond to your LOI as soon as possible, but we will respond no later than four weeks after submission. 

How would I know if EHF has issued a Request for Proposals?
The best way to hear the latest news from EHF is to sign up for our eNEWS updates. You can subscribe on this website at the bottom of any page where you see the words Connect With Us. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

My organization would like to submit requests for support of multiple projects addressing multiple EHF goals and strategies. Is this possible?
If you are interested in applying for more than one goal or more than one strategy, you MUST email us in advance for consultation at In your email, please include a written description (no more than 250 words) summarizing your ideas for potential funding. An EHF program officer will follow-up with you to discuss your proposal and the application process.

At what point can my organization be assigned to an EHF Program Officer?
If your LOI is approved and you are invited to the full application process, you will be assigned an EHF Program Officer no later than 10 business days following receipt of your completed application.

Will site visits be conducted before or after I apply?
In most cases, site visits would be requested and held after a full grant application is received.

I have requested a certain dollar amount from EHF. Will you fund requests at amounts less than requested?
EHF may choose to support requests at a level equal to or less than the amount requested.

How do you distinguish between restricted and unrestricted funding?
Restricted grants support specific activities carried out over a defined period and/or are planned to achieve a specific result or goal. Unrestricted grants support an organization’s day-to-day expenses in furtherance of its mission rather than specific projects or programs.

Are small organizations with small budgets (less than $250,000) required to have an audit to apply?
Yes, but we understand that there are legitimate reasons why having a professional audit done may be difficult. These cases will be considered on an individual basis.

Does EHF fund indirect costs?
EHF will allow for indirect costs only for Restricted requests. Indirect costs are calculated based on expenses for salary (personnel) and fringe benefits. For agencies whose annual budget is $500 million or less, the indirect cost rate may not exceed 20 percent. For agencies whose annual budget is $500 million or more, the indirect cost rate may not exceed 10 percent. 

Applicants requesting indirect costs should include such costs as a line item within the project/program budget and demonstrate how the amount being requested is calculated.  This may include showing how specific indirect costs are allocated or providing evidence of a negotiated indirect cost rate.

My organization is headquartered outside the 57 counties of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, but we provide services to those living within that area. Can we apply for funding from EHF?

What does EHF mean by ‘vulnerable populations’?
Vulnerable populations are groups that are often over burdened and under resourced. They are groups that are not well integrated into the health care system because of ethnic, cultural, economic, geographic, or health characteristics. This isolation puts members of these groups at risk for not obtaining necessary medical care, and thus constitutes a potential threat to their health.

Does EHF make grants to support research?
Generally, we do not make grants for research. We conduct research of our own and, on occasion, contract with others for research when the research product is something we seek for our own needs. In those cases, we usually issue a request for proposals.

FAQs about EHF's grant application process

I’m a new grant applicant, how do I get started?

Login to EHF’s grant portal to create a new account. Click here to read detailed login instructions.

Once you’ve created an account, you’ll take the eligibility quiz. If approved, you’ll be able to register your organization.

Please note that it can take two business days for a registration to be approved and receive your log in. 

I’m a returning grantee, how do I log into the EHF’s grant portal?
If you’re an existing grantee, click here to access the grant portal and then follow the steps to reset your password. Click here to read detailed login instructions.

What does the application involve?
EHF’s grantmaking process requires applicants to provide information about their organization and the grant request, answer a set of narrative questions, provide demographic data and submit additional documentation, including a preliminary project budget and financial statements. Please note that narrative questions will vary depending on the Goal and Strategy selected.

How much time does it take to complete an application?
The first step is to submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI).  If you clearly know how your work will help achieve our stated outcomes, the LOI is estimated to take no less than an hour complete.  The application is more complex and may take an entire day.

Can I print a copy of the application to review before starting?
Yes, but understand the application is dynamic and changes depending on what you select. To print a PDF version of the application, go to the grant portal, open the application and click the print button at the top of the document.

What format will you accept for Annual Budget?
Please submit your budget on EHF Budget Form. The link is provided in the application.

Who do I contact if I have questions?
If you have a question about the application process, please email  We do our best to respond to inquiries within two business days.