Texas MCO SDOH Collaborative Webinar: PCHI Model
MCO Introduction to the Pathway Community HUB Institute® (PCHI) Model
MCO Introduction to the Pathway Community HUB Institute® (PCHI) Model
Texas MCO SDOH Learning Collaborative:
Phase Three
Session 4: Maternal Health Care Delivery and VBP Models
The report from the Institute for Medicaid Innovation looks at best practices for providing equitable access to COVID vaccines, increasing access to food and housing, improving maternal health, and more
Federal Perspective: The CMS Innovation Center’s Commitment to Equitable Outcomes through High-Quality, Affordable, Person-Centered Care
Presentation Slides Meeting Summary & Takeaways
Summary and presentation slides for the February 2022 meeting of the Texas SDOH MCO workgroup to accelerate partnerships between the MCOs and Food Banks.
Summary, notes and resources from the Texas MCO Learning Collaborative – February 2022
As part of the EHF-sponsored Texas Managed Care Organization Social Determinants of Health Learning Collaborative, CHCS recently spoke with Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) and the Texas Medicaid
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Houston, Texas 77002
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