Research Reports

Medicaid Managed Care’s Pandemic Pivot: Addressing Social Determinants of Health to Improve Health Equity

Medicaid Managed Care’s Pandemic Pivot: Addressing Social Determinants of Health to Improve Health Equity

“The pandemic brought inequities to the forefront,” say researchers at the Institute for Medicaid Innovation. “The programmatic changes led by Medicaid MCOs are a testament to the power of collective action in response to glaring inequities.”

The new report highlights more than 30 initiatives during COVID-19 that helped Medicaid managed care organizations address social determinants of health and improve health equity for Medicaid enrollees across the country.

Funded by Episcopal Health Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the report looks at best practices for providing equitable access to COVID vaccines, increasing access to food and housing, improving maternal health, and more. All of these initiatives helped address underlying non-medical factors that impact health and are often the causes of health disparities.